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Quick Start Your Body and Mind Transformation in Just 2 Weeks—For Less Than the Cost of One Personal Training Session!

Get a FREE 31-serving pack of FUEL DMR...while supplies last

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And Get a FREE 31-serving Pack of FUEL Daily Meal Replacement (DMR) to Use During Your Challenge!

We use daily coaching and the world's finest nutritional shake to get you results.

We don't just change what you eat. We transform who you are.

 Imagine waking up two weeks from now feeling lighter, energized, and confident.


You've dropped pounds, you’re thinking clearer, and your cravings for junk food are disappearing.


You’re not just dieting—you’re resetting your body and mind for real, lasting transformation.

This is the FUEL 2-Week Quick Start Challenge

The only system that combines daily personal training, meal replacement shakes, and nutrition coaching, for less than the cost of a single session with a personal trainer.

Get a FREE 31-serving pack of FUEL DMR...while supplies last

We use daily coaching and the world's finest nutritional shake to get you results.

Unlock Your Health, Energy, and Confidence—No Matter How Busy You Are

Today I'm giving you the "magic sauce" that will give you back the control over your future you've been looking for...and give you the time, energy and motivation you need to take it back, once and for all.

It's a way to transform your identity around food, movement, and productivity.

We call it "A Happiness System" because it fixes what ails all ways:


  • I'll show you how to fit a complete, effective health reset into your busy life, even if you think you have no time for it;

  • I'll show you why your low energy, weight gain, and loss of function aren’t just about diet and exercise, but something much bigger—and how to fix it.

  • You'll learn how this system not only transforms your body, but also your focus, mental clarity, and overall mood—things you might not even realize were connected.

  • Most importantly:  I'll give you a plan you can start using immediately to get results in just days—not months.

I've had a problem with my weight for thirty years. After a full year on FUEL, I feel like a new person. I can honestly say, nothing has ever worked for me before this system...and I'm STILL stunned by how easy it is.

-Rodney M., Chicago, IL. Rodney has lost over 110 pounds, and has had his diabetes medication reduced four times since starting FUEL.

Why The FUEL 2-Week Challenge Works

The FUEL system works because it focuses on both your body and your mind. We’re not just telling you what to eat—we’re transforming how you think about food, training, and yourself.


The 2-Week Quick Start Challenge baby-steps you into the right mindset to get started on transformational change. You can't just "discipline" yourself into serious change - you have to learn how to build it over time.


This Challenge is the beginning of that process.

Here's what you get in this 2-week Challenge:

  • Full Personal Training + Nutrition Coaching Daily: For less than you’d pay for a single personal training session, you’re getting daily guidance. We’re with you every step of the way, helping you make real, sustainable changes.

  • Powerful Mindset Reset: We help you break through old habits and rewire your brain to crave healthier foods. By the time you finish, you’ll be shocked by how different you feel.

  • Simplicity: The plan is easy to follow, and we guide you every day. You’ll know exactly what to do, what to eat, and how to stay on track.

  • Fast, Lasting Results: You’ll see real results in just 14 days—losing pounds, resetting your cravings, and feeling more confident than you have in years.

Get a FREE 31-serving pack of FUEL DMR...while supplies last


The FUEL System Rewires Your Brain, Ending the Cycle of Failure Forever.

(I Discovered This System Working With Professional Athletes...

But It Works For Everyone, From Dad Bods, To Casual Joggers, To Soccer Moms...)


Turn Your Life Around By Shifting Your Mind.

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Our science-backed approach - shifting your mindset, and not just your eating behavior - has helped thousands reclaim their lives...including their sexual function. Now it's your turn.

Are you finally ready to become the person you've always wanted to be? Your journey to lasting happiness starts here.
1. Reprogram Your Desires and Cravings

Imagine being naturally drawn to foods that support a lean and healthy body, making a healthy lifestyle effortless and enjoyable. The FUEL System goes beyond simple diet plans. We help you eliminate the habits, desires, and emotional attachments that lead to unhealthy eating. At the same time, we cultivate new, powerful cravings for nutritious foods that energize and sustain you.

2. Proven Systematic Coaching

The FUEL Body + Mind Reset System guides you step-by-step through a transformative journey. Our automated coaching provides daily emails, comprehensive courses, videos, audios, and workbooks to reprogram your brain, gut microbiome, hormones, and emotional attachments to food.

3. Live Coaching as Needed

Initially I designed the FUEL Body + Mind Reset System to support live 1:1 coaching. But I quickly found that our automated system delivers far more teaching, training, support, and results than I could ever deliver in weekly hour-long meetings with clients. This means our clients simply use the automated coaching system daily, with only occasional check-ins with our coaches and registered dietitians to keep them on track and address any lingering questions.

4. Results That Last...Forever!

When you change your mind, your body MUST follow. This is how we're able to guarantee you're not only going to get results, but that they'll be permanent. You will become the person you've always wanted to be...on the inside. Once that happens, what's on the outside has to follow. You'll never go back to being that other self - you'll have the tools and the knowledge to make sure of it. 

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Yovanka B. lost 39 pounds in 5 months...and gained muscle
Rodney's lost over 100 pounds...that's his honeymoon shirt from 45 years ago, the first time it's fit since then!

Get a FREE 31-serving pack of FUEL DMR...while supplies last








Real Results

Behold the Power of Resetting Your Mind, in Photos:

This works for everyone - any age, both men and women, and no matter how "far gone" you think you are. We have helped diabetics, people with cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and people who've struggled with obesity for decades get healthy, lean, and active!

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Tucker Blair

(Expert Health and Fitness Coach)


I was a triathlete in my younger days. From there, I began coaching other triathletes, cyclists and swimmers. I began studying strength, power, and speed training, and began working with power athletes - NFL players, pro boxers, power lifters and body builders, and fitness models. 

Then I began studying nutrition. It took me almost 10 years to learn the secrets of changing the brain to love naturally healthy eating...and to learn how to fight the food industry's engineering to get us to eat and buy as much as possible.

I began coaching nutrition in 2012...and since then, I've shown thousands of people - athletes and laypeople alike - how to shape their minds, so that they can shape their bodies without suffering, without discipline, and enjoying eating more than they ever did before.

Now, I've put that system into an automated coaching program, and designed a meal replacement shake that anchors my system. The results have been nothing short of miraculous. 

I want you to try it - so I'm GIVING you a free canister of our FUEL DMR when you join my training system.


If you're ready to finally take control over your body, your mind, and your future...this is your chance! Click the button below, and your first coaching email will land in your inbox tomorrow morning.


You'll never again wonder, "am I going to ever get it together? Am I going to be able to lose this weight, get healthy, and stay that way into my elder years?" You'll KNOW you've found the solution you've been looking for...right from the start!


I guarantee it.

The FUEL Better-Than-Money-Back Guarantee

If You Don't Love Our System, We'll Not Only Refund Your Money...

(This is how confident I am that I can change your life, forever.)

FUEL Daily Meal Replacement (DMR)


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You'll keep the DMR, and we'll CONTINUE to coach you, until you get the results you want.
Our Guarantee:  100% Money Back If You're Unsatisfied.

But here's the really good news:  We've made the work easy, fun, and interesting. Our content will engage you, and keep you engaged.


If it doesn't, well, again...that's on us. Let us know it's not working for you, and we'll refund your money - no questions asked. You can keep the DMR, and we'll continue working with you until we get you to where you want to be.

How many other "weight loss" systems have you seen make that commitment? (None, I bet...because none of them work like FUEL does!)

We know change is hard. We've made it as easy and enjoyable as it can be.


Our number 1 comment from new users is, "Man, I wish I'd known about this when I was younger." After they've been with us for a few months, that changes to, "Man, I can't believe how easy this is to stay on!"

That's why we're confident enough to say this:  The FUEL System WORKS! It's worked for older people, younger people, healthy people, sick people...and it'll work for you, too. 

Your health is our primary concern. Losing weight is just a very nice by-product of what we do. So, if you don't get results, that's on us. We'll happily refund your money.

That said:  You still have to do the work. Obviously, we can't get results for you if you just do nothing.

  • FUEL 2-week Quick Start - With DMR

    A powerful 2-week LIVE coaching program where we prepare your mind and home environment for your first 30-day Reset. Includes a 31-serving pack of our advanced FUEL Daily Meal Replacement (DMR)
    Valid for 2 weeks
    • 2 Weeks of 1:1 Coaching with Tucker Blair
    • Daily automated trainings - via email, video, and audio
    • One 31-serving pack of FUEL Daily Meal Replacement (DMR)
    • The FUEL Quick Start Manual - A complete workbook

Get a FREE 31-serving pack of FUEL DMR...while supplies last

FAQ Section
  • How does FUEL Body + Mind Work?
    It's a 4-part system for changing the way your brain works with food (and exercise). We begin by simplifying your diet, then cleaning up, then resetting your brain and body, and then rebuilding your eating habits. Laid out in a list, it looks like this: Simplify Cleanse Reset Rebuild We coach you through each step with daily emails to start (2 weeks), during which you'll get some basic training videos, audios, and reading materials. The first two weeks are aimed at getting your mind ready for your first 30-day Reset, which starts in Week 3. Coaching is delivered in many ways. We "baby-step" you through the changes you'll be making, using: Emails - daily emails that deliver the fundamentals. This lasts 2 weeks, after which you'll graduate to more focused trainings. Training Programs - Structured video, audio, and workbook programs on the FUEL app and website. Our Programs are designed to walk you through formal training systems to teach you the Four Levels of FUEL, the FUEL Reset System, and the FUEL Body + Mind System. You'll come out of these trainings as a "Naturally Lean and Healthy Person," and with your identity around food and movement changed forever. Live Group Coaching - Weekly coaching available via appointment. Small groups, usually 2-6 FUELers, meeting with Tucker Blair by appointment. Live One-on-One Coaching - Available as needed, by appointment. All FUELers can schedule a one-on-one coaching call with Tucker Blair or one of our Registered Dietitians weekly. The FUEL Reset System has 4 Levels. Level 1 is both the starting point and the ultimate goal - eating a regular diet, not aimed at losing weight or addressing physical symptoms of illness (blood pressure, inflammation, diabetes/pre-diabetes and other insulin sensitivity issues, digestive system issues, etc.). You start at Level 1 because that's where you are when you come into the system...but your current Level 1 is not the same as it'll be once you're at your goal weight and you've reset your systems! Your "future" Level 1, where you'll be in 6 to 12 months, is where you eat a balanced, nutritious, wholesome diet; you know how to enjoy holidays, vacations, trips, and parties and still manage your diet and body comp; and you eat cleanly because you want to, not because you're forcing yourself to. Level 2 is a mildly calorie-restricted level where you're working on cleaning up your diet after a period of "indulging," usually after a trip or a holiday. When you've added a few pounds or you've found yourself on the "slippery slope" of reverting back to some less-than-healthy eating habits, you'll use some of the tools we teach in Levels 3 and 4 to get your eating back to clean, wholesome, and nutritious, and to gently take off the few pounds of fat and fluid you may have gained. There is no fasting in Level 2, but you will use Shake Days. Level 3 is our first "Reset" level. It's a set of tools you use to really shed fat fast, without doing a full-depth clean-up Reset (which is Level 4). It may or may not include fasting, depending on how much fat and fluid you've accumulated. Level 3 is also our starting level for most new clients - it's a great "Quick Start," without being so difficult and so strict that new clients have a hard time staying with it for 30 days. You'll do Level 3 Resets before and after your Level 4 Reset, and any time you feel like you need to get back to eating clean and/or need to drop significant weight (6-10 pounds) in a month. Level 4 is the "Full Reset" level. It uses the same tools as Level 3, but it adds some restrictive eating (no potential irritants - gluten, dairy, alcohol, no processed foods whatsoever, etc.). We also teach you how to do intensive fasting weekly, in a safe, highly-effective way that strips fat and excess fluid while minimizing lean tissue loss (muscle and organs). After your first Level 4 Reset, you'll feel like a million bucks...and your mind will be well on the Path to permanently changing how it works with food (and alcohol). You'll come out loving wholesome, nutritious, natural foods more then you ever have, and also being much more sensitive to the chemical-laden processed foods your body was used to eating before.
  • What Role Do the Daily Meal Replacement Shakes Play in the FUEL Systems?
    They're one of the many tools we use to Simplify, Cleanse, Reset, and Rebuild your diet habits. FUEL DMR is a complete protein, full of good stuff that takes it beyond a mere "protein shake." It's a full meal replacement, with digestive support to boot. We designed this product to massively reduce the "decision fatigue" most people have when re-learning how to structure their eating habits. We also use the DMR to ensure you get all the nutrition you need as you're on long-term calorie-restricted regimen. But we also use it to eliminate confusion, give you a ton of time, to simplify your tracking and need to make choices each essence, to simplify your life while you're doing the work of relearning how to eat (which is already plenty hard!). The DMR is also extremely helpful for people with digestive system issues. It has a patented digestive enzyme blend that significantly increases protein uptake and delivers relief for people that have a hard time digesting protein, fats, and/or carbohydrates. It's also packed with fiber, prebiotics, and probiotics. We've seen people getting off their Omeprazole, their IBS medications, and reducing their diabetes medication while using DMR. DMR is guaranteed heavy metal free - something you'll find very few shake manufacturers claiming, because they can't. None of our ingredients are sourced from China, and the plant proteins are balanced to ensure a full amino acid complement. Finally - it's DELICIOUS! We developed FUEL DMR with a French pastry chef, to ensure it had as smooth a consistency as possible (it's minimally processed plant food, so there is some consistency, but it's very nice indeed!), and to taste amazing. There is only one flavor of DMR (vanilla) on purpose. We don't want to add a bunch of junk to these shakes, which we'd have to do if we began making other flavors. Plus, we'd rather you put real fruit in it if you want a strawberry, blueberry, banana, or whatever flavor. DMR is great for making healthy pudding, pancakes, muffins, cookies, and all kinds of other goodies. And, yes, you get to eat those on the FUEL Reset System (we'll show you how to make them so that they're healthy and fit the Level you're working through).
  • Do I HAVE to use the DMR on FUEL?
    Nope! You can use any meal replacement shake you want - but I seriously don't know of one that's better than FUEL DMR...and we're giving you a container to start, so why NOT use it??? But seriously - you don't have to use ANY meal replacement shake on the system. DMR is just one of 14 tools we teach you how to use to become a "Naturally Lean and Healthy Person." Actually, the ultimate goal is that you learn how to eat wholesome, nutritious, natural foods as your primary diet, and don't need any protein or meal replacement supplements. That said, getting enough protein, when you're an active, lean, muscular person, can be hard, time consuming, expensive, and tough to fit in to your daily calorie goals. You'll see why when you start tracking and trying to hit your protein and calorie requirements. DMR, or any other quality meal replacement shake, will substantially simplify hitting those targets. And, there's a growing body of scientific literature that supports that meal replacement shakes are not only healthy but also optimize weight loss and maintenance. We designed the FUEL Systems for busy professionals that have a hard time hitting their nutritional needs. FUEL DMR was designed with those parameters in mind. A month's worth of DMR replaces about $300 of food per month. So, it's faster, easier, cleaner, and less expensive that trying to use whole food. And, it's guaranteed to be heavy-metal free...which very few shakes on the market will (or can) deliver. The only reason I can see NOT to use it is if you simply don't like it. While that's very rare (people love it so much they buy us out's hard to keep in stock), it does happen. If you try FUEL DMR and you really don't like it, no worries - let us know and we'll refund your money. We'll even pay for you to ship the unused DMR back to us!
  • How Much FUEL DMR Do I Need Per Month?
    Depends on your gender, size, and how frequently you plan on using it. Here's the simple answer: On the FUEL Reset System, most women will need 2 canisters per month (that's 62 servings). Most men will need 3 canisters per month (94 servings). Here's why: Most women will need 1 scoop 2x/day, and most men will need 2 scoops 2x/day. Some women will need 2 scoops one or two times per day (athletes, women over 5'8" tall, etc.). Some men will need 2 scoops three time per day (again, athletes and taller/more muscular men). Our Suggestion: If you're a woman, start with 2 canisters. If you're a man, start with 3 canisters. We can get you an additional cannister within just a few days, so you'll know if you need to order more.
  • What if I want to use a different meal replacement shake?
    No problem at all. You can use whatever you want. The FUEL Body + Mind and FUEL Reset Systems will still work just fine for you. That said, can you find a better product? One that tastes amazing, has 14 grams of protein for just 100 calories, 7 grams of fiber, high-quality fats and carbs, satisfies for hours, and is guaranteed clean, organic, and no heavy metals? Is it super-low sugar (DMR is 1g/scoop), super-low sodium (4% RDA/scoop), and free of any allergens? Does it have pre- and probiotics? If you can find something comparable (there ain't much out there that compares), is it actually cheaper than FUEL DMR per gram of protein? If it is, is it worth the difference to have to go outside the system to source it (there can't possibly be much difference, our prices are as low as we can make them!)? Also note: A protein powder is NOT a meal replacement shake! You can't expect to eat just protein and get the benefits you get with a full meal replacement supplement. Protein powders are just protein - you need carbohydrate and fat, as well as fiber, micronutrients, and (preferably) probiotics and powerful digestive enzymes to build a meal replacement shake like FUEL DMR. So sure, you can try something else...but we've worked REALLY hard to make sure you don't have to!
  • How is FUEL Coaching Different from Other Coaching Programs?
    FUEL is holistic, automated, but also live - both Group and One-on-One coaching are included. Unlike other programs that focus on quick fixes or single aspects of health, we guide you through a complete transformation that addresses your mind, body, and relationship with food. We address the underlying behaviors that made you gain weight, get sick, and/or feel bad. Our coaching combines daily support, structured training, and one-on-one guidance to ensure you become a "Naturally Lean and Healthy Person" for life.
  • What If I Have Dietary Restrictions or Food Allergies?
    Who We Can Work With The FUEL Body + Mind System is designed to be highly adaptable, accommodating a wide range of dietary needs and restrictions. Our goal is to make healthy living accessible to everyone, regardless of their current health status or dietary challenges. Our DMR shakes are free from common allergens, including gluten and dairy, and are made with clean, organic ingredients. Our patented digestive enzyme blend substantially improves protein sensitivities and reduces digestive discomfort for those that are sensitive to high protein intake. This makes our DMR suitable for individuals with sensitivities or those seeking a clean, nutritious, high-protein, low-calorie meal replacement option. If you have specific dietary restrictions, we have licensed, registered dietitians (RDs) on staff to assist you—at no extra charge! Our RDs, in collaboration with our coaches, will work closely with you and your doctors to modify the program to fit your unique needs, ensuring that you can achieve your health goals without compromising results. We have successfully worked with clients who have various health conditions, including: Diabetes: Our program is tailored to help manage blood sugar levels while promoting healthy weight loss. Our RDs are experienced in working with diabetic clients to create meal plans that support blood sugar stability and overall health. Cardiovascular Disease: The FUEL system emphasizes heart-healthy eating, focusing on reducing inflammation, managing cholesterol, and promoting overall cardiovascular wellness. Our team will guide you in making food choices that support a healthy heart. Hypertension (High Blood Pressure): For those with high blood pressure, our program helps you reduce sodium intake while providing balanced nutrition to support healthy blood pressure levels. Our RDs will help you adjust your diet to meet your specific needs. Digestive Issues: Whether you have IBS, GERD, or other digestive concerns, the FUEL system can be adapted to ensure that you’re getting the nutrition you need without exacerbating symptoms. Our DMR shakes are designed with a patented digestive enzyme blend to support easy digestion and nutrient absorption. Neurological Disorders (Including Epilepsy): We have successfully worked with clients managing neurological disorders, including epilepsy. There is a growing body of research showing that nutrition and fasting can have a positive impact on neurological health, including reducing the frequency and severity of seizures. Our program is tailored to support brain health, and our team works closely with clients to ensure that dietary changes are safe and effective, contributing to overall neurological well-being. People Focused on Long-Term Health and Prevention: If you’re someone who is generally healthy but wants to focus on prevention and maintaining a lean, healthy body, the FUEL system is perfect for you. Our approach is designed to help you build habits that will last a lifetime, keeping you healthy, active, and happy. Seniors (Age 65 and Above): We are proud to support a vibrant community of seniors on the FUEL system, with clients ranging from their mid-60s to our current oldest client at 82 years old. These individuals are not only losing significant amounts of weight but are also experiencing greater function, joy, and enjoyment in their daily lives. Many have seen remarkable improvements in mobility, energy levels, and overall well-being. The FUEL system is designed to be adaptable to all ages, and our seniors are proving that it’s never too late to achieve a healthier, more active, and fulfilling life. Our system is also effective for individuals managing weight-related conditions or those simply seeking a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. We’re here to support you every step of the way, with personalized guidance and a community that’s committed to your success Who Requires a Customized Approach While the FUEL Body + Mind Reset Systems are highly effective for a wide range of individuals, some people have unique health needs that require more specialized attention. For those with specific medical conditions, we offer a customized coaching experience that integrates with your existing medical care. Our Registered Dietitians and coaches are prepared to work closely with your healthcare team to develop a tailored program that supports your health goals while ensuring your safety and well-being. Below are some of the conditions that may require this higher level of care. If you fall into one of these categories, or believe you have a medical condition that requires a more specialized medical approach, get in touch and we'll walk you through our options: Dialysis Patients Reason: Dialysis patients require a higher level of medical supervision and specific dietary management that goes beyond what the FUEL system can safely provide in a group coaching setting. Guidance: If you’re on dialysis, we recommend working with your medical team for personalized nutritional guidance. However, we do offer personalized coaching programs that involve our Registered Dietitians (RDs) collaborating with your medical team to support your health needs. Reach out to us, and we’ll be happy to discuss how we can assist you. Patients with Diagnosed Eating Disorders Reason: Individuals with diagnosed eating disorders often require specialized treatment and close monitoring by healthcare professionals. The FUEL system’s focus on dietary changes and calorie management may not be appropriate without the involvement of a mental health or eating disorder specialist. Guidance: If you’ve been diagnosed with an eating disorder, we prefer to work directly with your medical team to ensure that any nutritional changes are safe and supportive of your recovery. Please contact us to discuss how we can work together with your doctors to help you achieve your health goals. Patients Undergoing Cancer Treatment Reason: Cancer patients often have specific nutritional needs and restrictions that require careful monitoring by their oncology team. Their treatment may involve complex dietary restrictions or requirements that go beyond the scope of the FUEL system. Guidance: If you’re undergoing cancer treatment, we recommend working closely with your oncology team to manage your nutritional needs. While the FUEL system is highly adaptable, cancer patients need a tailored approach that aligns with their medical care. Reach out to us, and we can discuss how we might be able to collaborate with your healthcare providers. Pregnant or Breastfeeding Women Reason: Pregnancy and breastfeeding come with unique nutritional needs, and any calorie-restricted or intense dietary regimen should be closely monitored by a healthcare provider. Guidance: If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, we suggest consulting with your obstetrician or healthcare provider before starting the FUEL system. While our system is adaptable, it’s important to ensure that both you and your baby are getting all the necessary nutrients. Individuals with Severe Gastrointestinal Disorders (e.g., Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis) Reason: Severe gastrointestinal disorders often require specialized diets and medical supervision. While FUEL’s DMR shakes are designed to be easy on the digestive system, these conditions might require a more customized approach. Guidance: If you have a severe gastrointestinal disorder, it’s best to consult with your gastroenterologist before starting the FUEL system. We’re happy to work with your medical team to tailor a program that meets your needs. Patients with Unstable or Severe Mental Health Conditions Reason: Severe mental health conditions, particularly those involving food-related issues, may require intensive therapy or medical treatment that falls outside the scope of our coaching system. Guidance: If you have a severe or unstable mental health condition, particularly one that involves eating behaviors, we recommend working closely with your mental health provider. We’re open to collaborating with your medical team to find the best approach for your situation. These additional guidelines help ensure that your program is safe and effective for the right populations while providing clarity for those who may require more specialized care.
  • How Quickly Will I See Results with FUEL?
    Here's the philosophical answer: When it comes to weight loss, the best answer to this question that a great coach can give you is this: "It takes the time it takes." That's because all bodies are different. Plus, we all have different habits, issues, drives, cravings, and lifestyles. "It takes the time it takes" is how we say, "For you, it'll happen as fast as possible...which is as fast is healthy and sustainable for you." That said: The human body is very much like a machine. It may need some tuning, it may even need some repairs...but it works pretty much the same for everyone at a fundamental level, once that stuff is addressed. The FUEL Body + Mind Reset System will tune and even repair most issues, so that you're stoking your metabolism and burning fat as fast as your body can safely - and comfortably - do it. Here's the practical answer: Most of our clients report noticeable changes within the first two weeks, including weight loss, increased energy, and improved mood. During those first two weeks, we focus primarily on mindset training—we don't even start working on your "diet" until Week 3. That's when you'll begin your first 30-day Reset. Most clients start with a Level 3 Reset, while some choose to jump right into a Level 4 Full Reset...the choice is yours! Either way, the 30-day Reset typically leads to substantial fat loss, reduced inflammation, and a powerful shift in your relationship with food. You may lose between 2-5 pounds in the first two weeks, and then 8-15 pounds or more during your first 30-day Reset. After that, many clients experience a net 5-8 pound loss or more each month until we transition you off the Reset System. At that point, we focus on rebuilding your metabolism, practicing eating habits to maintain your weight, and preparing you for the next round of Reset if you still have weight to lose. These results are based on the experiences of our clients who fully engage with the FUEL Body + Mind System. While individual results can vary, we're confident that you will see significant progress if you commit to the process.
  • Can I Continue with the FUEL System After Reaching My Goals?
    Absolutely! The FUEL Body + Mind System is designed to support you not just in reaching your goals, but in maintaining them for life. Once you've completed the Reset, you'll transition to our maintenance levels, where you can continue to enjoy the benefits of being "Naturally Lean and Healthy." Ongoing coaching, access to new programs, and community support ensure that you stay on track long after reaching your initial goals. And if it’s something you're interested in, we can even certify you as a FUEL coach, allowing you to pursue a rewarding career helping others achieve "Naturally Lean and Healthy Living"...and discover their own Happiness System. For us, the ultimate reward is recruiting our coaches from our own successful clients!
  • What is FUEL Body + Mind?
    The FUEL Body + Mind System is a comprehensive, holistic coaching system designed to help you achieve sustainable weight loss, reduce inflammation, improve overall health, and enhance your happiness. We do that by coaching you through a 4-step process to : Simplify your diet and lifestyle; Cleanse your environment and habits around food and exercise; Reset your food desires, drives, cravings; and then Rebuild your systems to be more balanced, healthier, and far more satisfying. We give you a personalized system that takes you from living your life as you do now, to living a life that we call "Naturally Lean and Healthy." As far as we know, it's the first of its kind. There's nothing else like it out there.
  • How is the FUEL Reset System different than FUEL Body + Mind?
    The FUEL Reset System, which includes the FUEL 30-day Reset Miracle and the FUEL Body + Mind Reset System, is a part of the overall FUEL Body + Mind universe. FUEL Body + Mind is the overall "container" for all the FUEL training products. Right now, we have the two Reset products in the system. We're working on developing the FUEL Mindfulness Suite, which will include our current and future Meditations series, our current and future training modules on Presence, Stress Management, and Happiness, etc. Subscribers to FUEL get it all - we just categorize them this way for us to keep them straight on our end :)
  • What Results Can I Expect from the FUEL Body + Mind Reset System?
    Most clients experience significant fat loss—typically 8-15 pounds, or even more, in the first month - while maintaining or even building lean muscle. Then, month after month, you should expect to lose 6-10 pounds a month of fat and fluid, minimizing muscle and lean tissue loss...and for many, even continuing to gain lean muscle. Beyond weight loss, you can expect increased energy, reduced cravings, improved digestion, and a transformed relationship with food. The FUEL Reset System is designed to provide sustainable results that last a lifetime. You'll come out of your training in six to twelve months a completely different person around food, movement, stress management, and health. You'll be what we call a "Naturally Lean and Healthy Person." And, you'll have learned how to use the tools we'll give you to stay that way, forever. It's lofty stuff to promise, we know. But ask our clients once you're in...they'll back us up, because they're living it themselves :)
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